Turn to your right and the heathens face left, their head twists on a pole bathed in the Fire, their gratitude is not forgotten to you, their face is remorseful but occurrence is frequent that the soul burns in hatred, you are blessed as a witness amongst the hated. The face returning is not of hatred, it is worth a word less worthy of your breath, you can see the joy again in these. Amongst you are many who have returned from this punishment, the Light shines on you again.
Left is less worth your time than the holy call, the Lord’s fury does not wait amongst the hated.
Righteous words cannot penetrate these, yesterday is like a remorse unless told or rewritten before the Lord, a folded curse upon the hated does not unfold in your presence, expect a fury death only can answer to the hated, these words are forgotten to them.
Burnt in the Fire and open or closed they cannot return before you, they are whispers to the Lord who graces their presence with anger and mercy, but not wasted.
If you see the soul burning in hatred these are the cursed, they are strong but without presence before you, they return your joy also like a glance but not sold to yourself and untrustworthy amongst those who witness their shame.
Burning is not punishment enough for the cursed, they are forgotten in your hearts when you are present amongst the blessed and the Knowing, forget them as the Lord commands you, a rock known to man is worth your time before these.
Trust not those who return a glance to you without your joy, these are damned before the grace of the heavens and the people regret your decisions to mourn for them, empty and shallow will your glance be as your soul expects mercy and is returned with the Fire.
Protection amongst the people expects a grace from the Lord, you may expect no mercy from the hated or the cursed, it is only the blessed and the Knowing who return your call for pain or pleasure and joy, nothing will revive the cursed from the soils of the Lost or flames of the Fire.
Dressed in flames upon the mercy of your own grace is what keeps these in the Lord’s wrath from your shoulder, you expect a heart in the Light but you are greeted with a cut deeper than the Lord’s pain for you when you look at the cursed.
The Messenger provides no will or anguish to you for following your heart towards the cursed or the hated, only forgiveness and mercy, a rock does not miss his eye when you follow the cursed or hated to the Light.
If you provide a palm of grace to the cursed you receive no grace from the blessed, the Messenger promises forgiveness but not regret for you, only the Lord is witness to your pain, mercy is granted to your weakness, not more than the rock.
The Messenger provides only remorse to those willing to bear fruits to the cursed, his anguish is present only when you disobey the Lord’s command and is not sold to the Lost or the Wind, you are not welcome to follow in his footsteps unless graced by the hated beyond the doors of mercy.
Many of those who follow the cursed and the hated expect a turn from the Messenger but only anger will you invoke in him, the angels surround you with the blessed but choked are their words before your arrogance, you will enter the Lord’s domain uncleansed and sold to the Fire before you witness the Messenger’s grace.
A journey to the holy stone is welcomed but not required by those who seek salvation before the cursed and the hated, the journey will drain your soul of pain and anger but do not expect the Lord’s grace upon your return, only knowledge of the Knowing.
The Messenger is not sold to flames of anguish before those who have returned from the holy rock, worth a turn before the cursed yet there is no intent from him, these are sold to the Fire before the Lord and yourselves, only his heart can tell you their deeds, they are not righteous.
The deeds of the cursed and the hated are foul before yourselves, and the Messenger is rejoiceful in your seeking of answers, but not your forgiveness to them, he has cleansed you of their foulness and does not forgive you upon seeking them again.
The impure are worth your eyes only if you can rejoice in their curse, or their flames before the Messenger, the Fire cleanses your soul before him, he will turn to you in forgiveness after the flames are extinguished and the Light returns to you again.
A sickness lingers in you after you seek the cursed again, over three decades will this sickness last unless cleansed in the Fire, before the Lord and his grace, expect double and triple each time you seek the cursed.
Turmoil expected upon you is useless amongst the people in flames of the Fire after you seek the cursed with each finger on your hand, do not claim innocence to those purer than yourselves after you seek the cursed.
You seek out only pain and anguish to those who live beyond the cursed and before the Lord, ask for mercy and grace as witness to the Messenger, it is expected that words flow from your souls claiming innocence, but only silence is heard, you are alone in your innocence, the Light only penetrates the quiet and the humble here.