Unjust words from the cursed may sour the purity and the face but patience before the Lord is accepted in return for this interaction, it is only unjust to you when you do not return the Light to your soul before the Messenger’s hatred to these.
The idols of Light and presence are broken before the cradle, carried forward and hatred amongst the Lost does the Messenger and before the Lord it will reside, those grasped are present with this.
If spoken too loudly to the Lost anguish and pain are also lost amongst you, they are not forgiven or without punishment, their pain is everlasting and does not carry with it a regret that can seek out their punishment, it is only swallowed in remorse, they are not an enemy amongst the people but only Lost and forgotten before the Messenger.
Blessed amongst you look to the Lost in anger for the sour flavour of purity that resides in you, it is welcomed only before the cradle and its holy creatures, the book of the Lost is with the Knowing, this is the final word from the Messenger.
The Lost seek a Light which cannot be found before the Lord or his Messenger, the angels do not seek what is understood already, you understand that which is given here and upon you is a salvation from the book of the Lost.
The Lost are not with the cursed except those which were cast into the Fire for seven days, they are stolen to the Fire and the cursed punish them with the flames before you, amongst you those expect a reward for their actions, not found or given before you what you seek will come, this is the final word of the Messenger.
There are those who repent in impatience for a justice which will not be given, only the last book of the Messenger will heal your wounds here, it is the days upon which you are judged for your actions, now past, the Lost will not heal, your wounds will find the Light again.
The repentance you give to the Lord before the Lost and the cursed is granted permission only before the Messenger’s separation of the cradle, it is worthy of salvation upon you but do not seek more than which is granted to you by the Lord, only anger will you find in the remorse of the Lost, there is no return for them.
The architecture of the heathens which blocks the Lords light from the cradle does not shelter you in the job or labour, but only in hatred and remorse, you will seek no repentance here, it is before the cursed that these blessing occur.