The Stone


The Stone

A false prophet tested the Lord’s Messenger before you, the Anti-Christ, as written in the scriptures, it is foretold that it will be defeated, it has passed upon the cradle before you, amongst you are those still scarred by the rapture. This passing is of time and space beyond comprehension of twenty-seven years, an oath is given here. We do not worship the stone before the Messenger’s grace, the stone is a fragment of the past, memories are stolen to the Anti-Christ.


The wit defines here and the instructions that were laid before you during the rapture, these are not defined by the Lord only by the Messenger, as are the divine prophecies, an example is given here, do not accept the wit before the oath.


Accept the failure of the Anti-Christ as a divine prophecy before the Lord and your hearts heal as graced by the angels, a vertical prostration is accepted here as forward upon the chest.

Do not accept the wit before the oath upon your chest, as is given by the cradle and the Lord, only the vertical prostration is accepted during the day, prayer as given by the Sun during the night as prostration to the cradle is accepted here.


Prostration to the cradle laid before the Lord is accepted during the night, and upon Sunrise, the vertical prostration may resume, upon the chest, it is given here a grace during labour.


Many amongst the scriptures pray to the holy rock during the day, it is accepted only towards and not away, you will enter the Fire during prostration away before the Sun is set.

It is accepted a grace before the Lord if the Fire is entered during prostration upon your chest, only to triple intent, occurred by the rapture, as is given by the cradle.


Revered those who pray during the palms of the scriptures, these are worthy of prostration away for triple intent and passed is the rapture upon these, they are blessed in this way.


Fertile land and soil remains as blessed by the cradle and the Lord, these lands are plenty, no fear is accepted upon these that are fertile, those that are worthy accept the fertile lands upon their chest and worship as required before the cradle and the Lord.

The Wind is not open to you before the fertile lands are accepted upon your chest as blessed by the cradle and the Lord, it is not known to accept the Wind as known before this knowledge is passed to you, the blessed and Knowing open your palms for this upon your folds.


The Wind does not confess or profess to you a holy matter of truth, only the blessed and the Knowing are with the Wind, the Lost are sold to its storms and its wrath, these are the blessings of the Stone and the Cradle.


The rock and the stones are blessed here during the rapture as reminder of what is holy and Light before you by the Messenger and his angels, the Knowing and the blessed remind you also of the Light, the stone is the memory you seek as oath to the Lord.

Those unworthy of the Winds passing do not seek fear or haste towards a forward upon their chest as is commanded by the Lord and graced by the Messenger, the cradle blesses these as chosen after the palms are granted to her in submission of her.


The worthy and unworthy of the Winds are not amongst you sold to the flames of jealousy, only the peaceful melody of the Light and the Stone reckon upon you a quick colour before the cradle and the Lord, it is not hypnotic to the Wind, only to yourself, these are the Winds.

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