The Light
Broken in the heart, the soul was frozen amongst people. The jobs are broken, when the fire turns to gold the joy does not occur, the light does not enter the soul’s depths. Too many choices are told to the palm’s grace, the righteous do not know the words upon their lips, the holy only know of the light, and forward upon man’s breath it is broken.
Stolen upon woman’s image the curse is not told without remorse, joy or forgotten memories are sheltered with daggers and knives, the curse rejoices amongst praying hearts, and gentle whispers.
It is too precious amongst yourselves to carry forth a bright palm, no man is told that he must wait without forgiveness from the Lord, with the soul in flames, the heart whispers a call to the Lord, the funeral of those dead returns their call, the curse is not older than a child of seven, the breath is older than those of fifteen.
Carry with those a forward amongst those of twenty years, a forward upon your chest, return not their call, rejoice in their curse, do not ignore this message.
Spoken without the dark there is a calm that enters the Lord’s grace, triple intent does not occur without heaven’s praise, an angel’s grace, do not adhere their call upon your wrist, your palm is red, or white, do not listen to the heathens.
Do not twist these words until you are given grace upon your chest from the Lord, do not return their call without grace from the woman’s image, the image is not stolen until you are in a future worthy.
It is with great laughter that they mourn your loss, your chosen, your choice is like a holy meal to these. Eat well the Messenger says, and eat healthily, there are no causes to concern yourselves with, the Messenger does not anguish like you, follow these instructions and the light will find you.
Promised are the goods, the gold, the trophy and belongings to you that belong, they do belong, they are belonging until the cursed attempt intent amongst flesh, amongst you.
Trust openly the words of this book, do not hesitate to return your palms to grace, your righteous breath, and your holy words, you are given the Lord’s grace here, and the Messenger’s promise.
Except for the cursed, those entering the Lord’s domain do not worship the breath, they are graceful in permission into this shelter, if the palm’s grace is occurred, your faith is lost upon the Lord and the Messenger.
Draining of the soul and breath a cursed and heathen of health, with ill intent breaks the blessed and the soul is filled with pain and anger, the light leaves the body without remorse or intent folded into the blessed.
An attempt to return this call is lost in the soul, the Lord regrets for you but the remorse from those Lost will return upon you, do not return this call, the call is forward upon their chest, a chest sold to the fire.
Belong again in the space known to you, conduct yourselves with anguish and repent again if you are again chosen by those cursed, do not return this call, return a call known to your Mothers and your Sisters.
Laughter amongst the cursed, the heavy price is a soul for eternity lost to the Wind, the past is not graceful in your loss, do not prepare yourself for heaven’s grace, a joy is forgotten, the loss of your own worth is regret.
Twenty years a moral dust upon you, like flames in the showers of the Fire, the impure, the lost and the plenty, the heathens do not return this call, it is your last funeral, a soul is seen but not heard here, do not plead guilty to the Lord if you cannot hear the heavens here, the soul is lost upon the dust without morals, without a joy to forgive, forget you are at one with the blessed.
A place is reserved for you amongst the blessed shall you tread lightly with blessed palms amongst those in the Fire, the gracious of you are welcome to place fingers into the burnt, the flames do not occur for you, the occurrence is a passing shimmer, but glances only sell hatred amongst you.
Promise upon yourselves that those who wish hatred upon others return calls of desire lost upon the Wind, the Lost return their calls, the hated return their calls, the Loved and blessed do not, it is not joy but turmoil that pleads guilty.
Jealous of those amongst you do not return calls of love, but duty to serve the Lord, there are no questions here, drop your feet into the Fire and the Lord is graceful in your mercy, your strengths are not forgotten amongst the blessed.
If you are amongst those blessed a curse does not occur within your heart, rejoice in your understanding of the Wind a trained heart only knows of the pain and the turmoil, your hatred is sold to the cursed, you can wash your feet amongst the people after the Fire is extinguished in your sense allowed but not strong, only the weak can rejoice in the Lord here.
Weakness goes unnoticed amongst the people after the cursed allow hatred into the Wind, the Open and Closed of you will regret for them, it is upon the Lord’s blessing that this occurs, you are righteous, you are not unnoticed and your blessings are retained once the Fire is extinguished in your folds.
A birthed child is unknowing and retains all blessings for three days upon the Wind, the cursed are watchful, and gaze upon here known, a truth lies within the Mother and Father, only the weak amongst you shall see this.
The birthed do not rejoice in the Wind, but the Mother and Father, only the truth lies within here, sold to regret and remorse.
It is not known to train a heart broken into this Wind, the Fire graces those who rejoice in the blessed and the Knowing, only then can a child be found amongst the people.
Forget that which is sold upon hatred and anguish once forward a man without the Lord’s grace upon his chest, a holy breath occurs here but only once a forward is called from the man, he hears this whisper and the Knowing return his call.
The Knowing are the strongest amongst the people, you do not know here or there where this occurs, the Knowing are returning your call at all times, do not forgive the Knowing amongst you for such darkness, the anguish and hatred is covered amongst you.
The belongings amongst the people are for gathering, the cursed rejoice in such openness, the Closed are rejoiceful in your unknowing, you must attend to your belongings at all times, return the Closed to the Open, the call is heard by the Lord and the blessed.
Do not throw your belongings to the Fire anymore, rejoice in this knowledge for knowing, and for the blessed, amongst you are those who return hatred and anguish but without the flames of joy and anger, you are blessed also.
Promised amongst the land are those who wish upon you death and anger, hatred is soiled from those Lost, and the Lost do not rejoice in their pain.
There is much to confess amongst the Lost, but they are sold to the Fire also, their pain is noticed only to the Knowing, the blessed are not fallen to the Lost, they look in pain, their glances are sold to love, not hatred, rejoice in the Lost, their flames are worth only dust, it is promised from the Messenger.
Present among you are fortunes told without grace from the Lord, the spoken words are like apples in the Orchard of Death, the Garden smiles upon these people, they are blessed also but do not ignore their calls, they are righteous but do not listen to their pain, it is with great sorrow that the cursed rejoice.